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Thursday, 18 November 2010

Smokin Aces (Simpletons Review)

Film : Smokin Aces
Format: DVD
Run time (approx): 109 mins
My Rating (out of 10):  7.5

Film Highlight: sniper blowing FBI agents 10ft across the hotel.

As we all probably know and agree, Smokin Aces was a brutal, action packed film with some sort of twisted story behind it and a reasonably good cast (Ryan Reynolds, Ray Liotta, Ben Affleck E.t.c.).For those of you who don't know what the film is about let me explain it to you. A mob boss has taken out a rather large contract on a 'cool dude' named Buddy (Aces), A drugged up magician who will provide evidence against the mob. FBI see it as an opportunity to bring down this mob boss and place 'Aces' under protection in the best looking casino/hotel EVER! Word gets around to all the cons,ex-cons,assassins,mercenaries and the general crazy in need of money. The hunt for aces head begins.

 I loved the Casino and penthouse location of the film, it provided  the assassins/mercenaries with a tuff challenge of reaching Aces and a variety of different methods were used to infiltrate higher levels and eventually reach him. There were a mixed bunch of assassins including lesbians with huge sniper rifles (who said this wasn't a lads film?), a group of loud bad-ass chainsaw and machete wielding brothers who are hellbent on causing destruction , a hipster bounty hunter, an incognito who gets weapon ideas from 'Assassins creed' e.t.c. Each of the assassins can be identified roughly 1 second after you see them on screen (really... its true).Although these mercenaries are all very stereotypical and predictable you grow to them (especially the Tremor brothers) and find yourself cheering a particular group on. After watching the first hour or so of the film you may be confused of all of the twists and separate stories (the karate kid scene is comedy) however its SO worth it for the finally at the end (last 30 mins). I just wish i had experienced it in Blu Ray.

At the end of the day...
A lads film with enough blood ,weapons ,action and comedy to satisfy most peoples needs.

(Smokin aces 2: Assassins Ball, Simpletons Review COMING SOON)

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