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Saturday, 1 January 2011

A Minor Blu-Ray/Steel Book Collection

So its now 2011 whoop-ti-frickin-doo (try and tackle that one spell check). But the good news is there will be a bunch of new movies to watch and with new movies come awesome kick-ass reviews from the Major himself.

However today (whilst recovering from a hangover) I thought I would share with you my Blu-Ray collection and a couple of magnificent things 'they' call "steel books". For those who don't know what a steel book is and cant gather what it is from the give away name then please read this helpful piece of information I got from a lovely website:

"The SteelBook™ concept is the new exclusive packaging for high profile music, video & games releases. A SteelBook™ case consists of a metal exterior and an inner core of plastic and is available in standard DVD size format and Blu-ray/PS3 size format." (

You may think 'whats the big deal? its a metal case', well your wright but then the urge to purchase 'just the one' gets the better of you, the next thing you have two to your collection. You wake up and theres one beside you, you start to have tea party's and play 'Twister' with them . I hope theres a number I can call before this gets out of hand.

Steel Book's
I am of course 'pulling your leg' , but on all seriousness it can get quite addictive spending that tiny bit extra to get the satisfaction of owning a collectible ,slightly more unique version of a great film. (Right) a picture of my steel books and (below) Blu-Ray collection to date.

This time next year I hope to have an epic collection. I'm sure there are lots of mad steel book enthusiasts out there and Blu-Ray collectors. Send me a few pictures or links. IMPRESS ME

47 Films in total

Inception Limited Edition

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